Training can be flexible and adapted to your church situation.
Online via Zoom or an in person training where you are. There is a cost attached to the training to cover expenses. The training also provides a certain number of printed copies of the facilitator/participator guides plus all the Free! streamed and downloadable resources.
Examples of what is covered
  • The basics of starting such a ministry with opportunities to ask questions relevant to your local situation.
  • You have a desire to come alongside others in their struggles, you have heard about support groups, you sense God might be leading you to form a group in your church. Now what?
  • The differences between facilitating a Bible study and a support group.
  • The use of Bible and prayer within a group.
  • Basics of what is included in a Free! support group.
  • Touching on safeguarding and risk issues
  • How to use teaching content in a support group setting?
  • A deeper look at listening.
  • Why is “STOP” such a hard concept? The chasm between “I want/need/don’t want to stop” and actually stopping.
  • When to signpost and be realistic as to capacity level of your local church/organisation.
  • The help Free! ministry could provide as you embark on coming alongside others with addictive issues.